A chasing by Charles
Links for
Chasing and Repoussé information at Brain Press
Charles Lewton-Brain's
Lost Books Series
Lost Books: Chasing and Repoussé
This CD has hundreds of pages about chasing and repousse, more information
on the subject than you can find anywhere in one place. Charles Lewton-Brain
spent 30 years looking for and researching rare, hard-to-find books from
the 1880's to the 1940's that dealt with chasing. This CD constitutes the
first full survey of this information ever done. There are pdf extracts
from 20 books here. See: Lost Books Contents.
There is also a real treat: dozens of pages of Lewton-Brain's writing about
chasing, repousse and tool making. There are step-by-steps on making chasing
tools, hardening and tempering information and hundreds of pictures of chasing tool
faces and types. See: Lewton-Brain's Contents
Email to get
a copy of this CD on Chasing and Repoussé for $42.00
You can ask for an emailed version of the CD, or a download site at Dropbox.
Links for Chasing and
Repoussé information at Brain Press
What is on the CD? Lots of Great info!
Table of Contents (or
download as a pdf)
The Lost Books Section of the CD
Bick, A. F., Artistic Metalwork, Bruce Publishng
Company, Milwaukee, 1940, 6 pages from 236
Davidson, P. Wylie , Educational Metalcraft, 1913, 14 pages (book is 227
Diderot, “Ciseleur”, Enclopaedia of Diderot, circa 1760, 4 pages
of hundreds.
Gee George, “The Goldsmiths Handbook”. 1918, 6 pages of 260
Gee, George, “The Silversmiths Handbook”, 1921, 5 pages of 222
Louis Haas, Art Metal Work and Jewelry, 1946, (1st edition 1016), 5 pages
from 110+ pages
Harrison, John, Decoration of Metals, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894, entire
Hart G. H. and Keeley, Golden, Metal Work for Craftsmen, Isaac Pitman and
Sons, 1932, 10 pages from 156
Hartley, W.,”Pewter and Repousse Work”, from the Practical Instruction
Edited by A. Neal, undated, early 20’s , 64 of 168 pages Top
Haslope, L. L., Repousse for Amateurs, Upcott Gill, London, 1900, entire
Horth, AC, Beaten Metal Work.pdf 1946, 9 pages from 99 pages.
Kronquist, Emil , Metalcraft And Jewelry .1926, 30 pages of 191
Kronquist, Emil, Art Metal Work, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1942, 14 pages of
Manzoni, Peter, Metalcraft for Amateurs, Beacon Handicraft Series, Boston,
1936, 13 pages of 136
Maryon, Herbert. Metalwork & Enamelling, 1912, 1954, (3rd ed), 15 pages
from 331.
Augustus Rose and Antonio Cirino, Jewelery Making & Design, 1917, 14
pages, of 463
Smith, F. R. , 1931, 17 pages of 251, Small Jewellery
Wigley, Thomas, The Art of the Goldsmith & Jeweller, 1911, 7 pages of
340 pages.
Wehde, Albert, Chasing And Repousse, 24 pages, 1924
Charles Lewton-Brain’s
Notes and Step by Step chasing and tool making sequencesTop
Where to find chasing tools cheaply and to repurpose tools into chasing
Chasing tool sources.pdf
How to make a chain chasing tool step by step.
Introduction to chasing and repousse
Chasing repousse Intro.rtf
Internet links for chasing
Chasing Repousse links 05.htm
Over 200 images of chasing tool and stamp faces. Top
A pdf of the same chasing tool images.
Chasingtool pics.pdf
A step by step of how to make a forming chasing tool from a concrete nail.
Concrete Nail.pdf
Cheap ways of making your own dapping tools.
Dapping Tool Notes.rtf
A pdf showing the shapes and sizes of Charles’ chasing hammers.
Hammer Images.pdf
A step by step showing hardening and tempering of chasing tools.
Hardening and Tempering.pdf
A collection of images of Charles’ chased work over the years.Top
A step by step showing how to make a basic forming tool for chasing.
Making a forming tool.rtf
Information regarding safety when working with pitch.
Pitch Safety Notes.doc
Another version of this information.
Pitch Safety Notes.rtf
A step by step showing how to hot forge a chasing tool to make a spiral
Hundreds of images of a trip to Chiang Mai in Thailand and a visit to
a master chaser.
A step by step showing how to hot forge and shape a ‘loaf of bread’
type forming tool for chasing.
Upset Tool.pdf
Email to get a copy of this CD on Chasing and Repoussé for $42.00