This page has several examples of Fold-Formed work
by Charles Lewton-Brain. These pieces are for sale, are individually
signed and stamped with his registered trademark. Each comes with a
biography, resume and statement on the piece, establishing provenance
for the work. Notes for Collectors. Here is
a list of Galleries that represent his work.
He has made large silversmithing works like Alberta's Black Rod and
repaired historic works.
Links for Lewton-Brain's Artwork and Goldsmithing
/ Wall pieces from 2009 / Wall
pieces from 2008/ CraftCast
Interview 09 / Hawk
Interview 07 / Slide
Show of Cage Series Work / "River
Trip" Project Cage Series Work
/ PDF of Lewton-Brain's CV 2009
the new Foldforming
Step-by-Step Powerpoint Introduction

"Spiros", Mounted Wall Piece, fold-formed (pleating),
sterling silver, wood mount, 7"x7", 2003, $3,800
to purchase

"Cactus", Mounted Wall Piece, fold-formed (pleating),
sterling silver, wood mount, 7"x7", 2003, $3,800
to purchase

"Swoop Series" Pin, 18k gold doublee,fold-formed (scored
and bent), sterling, 24k gold, moonstone, 8 cm wide, 1990, $2,400
to purchase

Fold-formed Bracelet, B605, copper, copper acid electroforming,
24k Heavy Gold Electroforming, 2004, 82x25x65mm, $600.00
to purchase

Detail, Fold-formed Bracelet, B605, copper, copper acid electroforming,
24k Heavy Gold Electroforming, 2004, 82x25x65mm, $600.00
to purchase

Detail, Fold-formed Bracelet, B605, copper, copper acid electroforming,
24k Heavy Gold Electroforming, 2004, 82x25x65mm, $600.00
to purchase

" Causeway", Fold-Formed pin, catalog number F113, forged
sterling silver (T-fold), paper die monoprint, 2005, 47x40mm,
to purchase

"Window", Fold-Formed pin, catalog number F111, forged
sterling silver (Line folds), paper die monoprint, 2005, 60x37mm,
to purchase

Iinterrupted Sky", Fold-Formed pin, catalog number F112,
forged sterling silver (T-fold), paper die monoprint, 2005, 45x39mm,
to purchase

"Bridge", Fold-Formed pin, catalog number F110, fo
sterling silver (Chased T-fold), paper die monoprint, 2005, 48x42mm,
to purchase

"Gnarled", Fold-Formed pin, catalog number F114, forged
sterling silver (Chased T-fold), paper die monoprint, 2005, 45x47mm,
to purchase
Galleries representing Charles Lewton-Brain's artwork and goldsmithing.
Alberta Crafts Council
Gallery, 10186-106 St. Edmonton, AB
T5J 1H4 , Canada, Tel: 780-488-6611, Fax: 1-780-488-8855,
Gallery, 2627 Kipling, Houston, Texas 77098 USA, Tel: 713-520-1014
and 713-385-5443, Email.
Gallerie Noel Guyomarch,
137 Laurier W., Montréal, Québec, H2T 2N6, Canada, 514-840-9362
INFLUX Gallery, 2nd
level, Art Central, 100 - 7th Avenue S.W. , Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0W4,
Canada, Tel: 403.266.7527, Email
La Freniere and Pai Gallery,
13 Murray St., Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 9M5 Tel:
David Rice
Gallery, 100 Osborne Street South, Winnipeg, Canada R3L 1Y5
Tel: (204) 453-6105 Fax (204) 453-1024., Email
R. Grey Gallery, Boise,
818 W. Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702, USA, Email
and Sax Gallery, Box 85, 305 Windflower Avenue, Waterton Lakes
National Park, Alberta, Canada, TOK 2M0, Tel: 403.859.2274 or toll-free
at 1.866.859.2220, Email
Charles Lewton-Brain
biography page
of Page
Collector's Notes: Charles
Charles is 53 years old, and judging on parents should make his early
70's or later.
He is a full time artist, his practice including teaching and education
as well as writing, information dissemination, volunteer political activity
for the craft sector (he served two years as President of the Canadian
Craft Federation,) and making art work.
He has produced approximately 160 pieces a year in the Cage series since
2002. His Fold-Forming work, begun in the 1980's, continues to this
The prices for his work are rising steadily. In 2003 a chief appraiser
for 20th century jewelry for Sotheby's in New York valued his work significantly
higher than it was priced. The trend for the artist's values is up.
The price trend for art jewelry is up steadily, and demographics (aging
population) suggests that the number of collectors will increase. Cultural
interest is evidenced by increased inclusion of jewelry making subjects
on cable television to Lark books commitment to produce 5 books on jewelry
a year for the next three years. They have an editor just for the jewelry
books. There has been a spate of books for collectors, and on the field
in the last three years, and it is a growth market for North America.
The value varies widely based on the fame and impact the maker has had
on the contemporary jewelry scene.As an educator he has taught thousands.
His own important teachers included Bob Ebendorf, Jamie Bennet, Klaus
Ullrich, Christian Gaudernak, Kurt Matzdorf, John Cogswell, Haak Bakken,
Bill Ottermiller and Orland Larson.
His successful students are many, some include Jeff De Boer, Brigitte
Clavette, Louise Perrone, Steve Fong, Kari Woo, Devon Clark, Shona Rae.
Tthose who have adopted information from workshops include Harold O'Connor,
Cynthia Eid amond many.
Lewton-Brain's influence for jewelers is large, and his writings serve
thousands on the internet. The writing on modes of working and critical
analysis of work have informed as many. His research into compositional
systems for metalsmiths, and its resultant reporting and teaching (patinations,
gold painting, keum boo, fold forming have informed the field and helped
thousands with their art jewelry making and designing. Fold-forming
alone is taught world wide. His technical research, into safety, jewelry
photography,, bench tricks and equipment, safety have contributed a
better working environment for many in the jewelry making world.
Values for similar work by artists and designers with
a similar profile
are consistent with, and higher than his current pricing.
The highest sale price to date is $6,000 for two rings.
He has won numerous awards. There are dozens of articles about him,
and his work is in a number of books and magazines. His citations are
in the hundreds.
Top of Page
His work is in the collections of:
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Legislative Assembly of Alberta (made Black Rod)
Wustum Museum, Racine, Wisconsin
Ralph Turner Collection, London, England
Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, Canada
Technical University of Nova Scotia (made University Mace)
Nova Scotia Art Bank
Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council Permanent Collection.
DoFasco Steel Corporation of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario
Ken Thompson Collection, Toronto, Ontario
Wolf Collection (Barbara Rockefeller Associates), New York, New York
Knapp Collection, New York, New York
Sobel Collection, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA
Frosh Collection, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
His galleries include Fleury Gallery in Houston, R. Grey Gallery in
Boise, Idaho, Harbinger Gallery in Waterloo, Ontario, La Freniere and
Pai in Ottawa, Noel Guyomarche in Montreal, the albert Crafts Council
Gallery in Edmonton, Influx in Calgary and Willox-Sax in Banff, Alberta.
His work has been in a number of museum shows including the influential
"Jewelry International' at the American Craft Museum in the mid
80's and several seminal Canadian and American exhibition.
Hi influence to the field, through process, and critical thought is
Contributions to significant contemporary practice
Wearable art, exposed in the form of public performances, lectures and
published images. Risky work, challenging audience and wearer. Contemporary
jewellery shown to the public in numerous venues and disseminated through
magazine and catalog images.
1997-03 Cage series works, related pieces bound by format,
ranging from performance oriented body art to jewellery. The recent
concentration has been on jewellery. The jewellery is made by welding
stainless steel wire with an orthodontic fusion welder, then electroformed
in a copper-acid bath, finally gold plating.
Jury member on a number of juries, Saskatchewan Craft Council, Metal
Arts Guild (national), ACAD awards committee member 1998-2001. Member
of Diplome DHonneur committee of the CCA and juror for the national
Diplome dHonneur and for the Rogers Communications Award (English)
(Media Competition). Juror for the Keith Kelly Award for Cultural Leadership.
Canadian curator and national coordinator for Handwerk 96,
international exhibition at the Munich Handwerksmeße, Germany
for nine years (1989-98). Saul Bell Awards Judge twice, in 2003 and
Web published articles have touched thousands of artists and craftspeople.
In concert with Dr. Hanuman Aspler, developed the Ganoksin Project (1996-03),
now the largest educational web site in the world for jewelers and metalsmiths.
Influence of his research into compositional systems can be traced in
the work of many people nationally and internationally.
Top of Page
Education and Specialized Training
MFA (SUNY New Paltz), BFA (NSCAD), FGA (British Gemmological Association),
ZDF (Goethe Institute, Germany). Attended for a semester or more at
Sheridan College (Toronto), Fachhochscule für Gestaltung (Pforzheim,
Germany with Prof. Klaus Ullrich). Worked for companies in the jewelry
industry in Toronto, Pforzheim, Halifax. Taken numerous workshops in
various subjects from professional presenters.
Top of Page
Charles Lewton-Brain
Brain Press
Box 1624, Stn M,
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2L7, Canada
Email: Click
here to email
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