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Brain Press publishes the results of Charles Lewton-Brain's research in the form of books and videos, usually on metal working and goldsmithing. We are committed to quality information for self education and the development of our field. We are working with, our printer, to bring you both print and Ebooks. All prices are in U.S funds. Contact us
Book Subjects
Lewton-Brain / Goldsmithing / Fold-Forming / Special Techniques / Jewelry Photography / Jeweler's Health and Safety
Lewton-Brain Book List Top of Page
Foldforming book -- Lewton-Brain
The Jeweler's Bench Book -- Lewton-Brain
Lost Books: Chasing and Repoussé - Lewton-Brain
Keum-Boo: Hot Burnished Gold Foil --Lewton-Brain
Lewton-Brain Compilation #1 CD-- Lewton-Brain
Hinges and Hinge-Based Catches for Jewelers and Goldsmiths -- Lewton-Brain
Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop -- Lewton-Brain
Bench Tricks Powerpoint Show -- Lewton-Brain
The Polishing Report - Lewton-Brain
Small Scale Photography Video and Text Book -- Lewton-Brain
The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report -- Lewton-Brain
Fold-Forming Paper - Lewton-Brain
Fold-Forming Overview CDROM - Lewton-Brain
Foldforming Step-by-Step Powerpoint Introduction - Lewton-Brain
Forming Using Metal Characteristics: Fold Forming -- Lewton-Brain
Fold Forming Video -- Lewton-Brain
Patinas for Small Studios -- Lewton-Brain Revised edition
Gold Surface Applications: A Technology Review -- Lewton-Brain
Gold Surface Applications Under Enamels -- Lewton-Brain
Gold Fusion Inlay Step by Step for Enameling -- Lewton-Brain
Making a Chain Tool for Chasing - Lewton-Brain
Diderot Chasing Tools Annotated - Lewton-Brain
Shareware Book -- Lewton-Brain
Build Your Own Draw Bench Instructions -- Lewton-Brain
Depletion Gilding: A historical and technical introduction -- Lewton-Brain
The Bibliography Lists -- Lewton-Brain
River Trip -- Lewton-Brain
Theory and Practice of Goldsmithing - Erhard Brepohl / translated by Lewton-Brain
Lewton-Brain Ebooks Page
Short Papers for Download
Goldsmithing To Book Topics / Top of Page
Hinges and Hinge-Based Catches for Jewelers and Goldsmiths -- Lewton-Brain
Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop -- Lewton-Brain
The Jeweler's Bench Book -- Lewton-Brain
Bench Tricks Powerpoint Show -- Lewton-Brain
Shareware Book -- Lewton-Brain
Build Your Own Draw Bench Instructions -- Lewton-Brain
Theory and Practice of Goldsmithing - Erhard Brepohl
To Book Topics / Top of Page
Fold-Forming To Book Topics / Top of Page
Foldforming book -- Lewton-Brain
Original Fold-Forming Paper - Lewton-Brain
Fold-Forming Overview CDROM - Lewton-Brain
Special Techniques To Book Topics / Top of Page
Patinas for Small Studios -- Lewton-Brain
Gold Surface Applications: A Technology Review -- Lewton-Brain
Gold Surface Applications Under Enamels -- Lewton-Brain
Gold Fusion Inlay Step by Step for Enameling -- Lewton-Brain
Keum-Boo: Hot Burnished Gold Foil --Lewton-Brain
Depletion Gilding: A historical and technical introduction -- Lewton-Brain
Making a Chain Tool for Chasing - Lewton-Brain
Diderot Chasing Tools Annotated - Lewton-Brain
Jewelry Photography To Book Topics / Top of Page
Small Scale Photography Video and Text Book -- Lewton-Brain
Jeweler's Health and Safety To Book Topics / Top of Page
The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report -- Lewton-BrainBrain Press Picks: Recommended books by other authors
This book looks at the jewelers bench in depth, with lots of contrast and comparison. All aspects of the bench, the goldsmith's prime work area, are covered and discussed. No other book deals with this information so clearly and well. The book was informed by a survey which over 140 people answered. With tons of full-color illustrations, The Jeweler’s Bench Book covers everything from the basics of bench design to ingenious tips for tool storage and arrangement. It is about how to really work at your bench and how to make decisions about altering or adapting your bench. It also includes studio"tours" of how well-known jewelers have set up their own bench areas. This project is a collaboration between Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America and The Ganoksin Project. It is Volume Two in the "Orchid in Print: Maximum Bench Work" Series.
Tim McCreight writes in the foreword: "You hold in your hands a book that I predict you will return to often, always seeing a new detail in the photos or reading a tip that you’d missed before. And if you’re like me, your copy will acquire the bent pages and coffee ring stains of a well-used resource
$35.00 plus shipping/handling.
Top of Page / Jewelry Artist Review / Bench Survey Response Example / Sitting and Looking extract / Order from MJSALost Books: Chasing and Repoussé CD by Charles Lewton-Brain
This CD has hundreds of pages about chasing and repousse, more information on the subject than any other source in English. Charles Lewton-Brain spent 30 years researching books from the 1880's to the 1940's that dealt with chasing. This constitutes the first full survey of this information ever done. There are pdf extracts from 20 books here, as well as a treat: many pages of personal notes and step-by-steps about chasing, repousse, hardening and tempering and tool making by Charles Lewton-Brain. $42.00
Lots more information about this CDTable of Contents for the CD Lost Books Contents, Lewton-Brain Writing Contents
Links for Chasing and Repoussé information at Brain Press
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This CD is a compilation of ten original papers by Charles Lewton-Brain. They would cost over $100 if purchased separately. They are presented as PDFs. The papers included are:
Chasing Tools and Punches: Quickly making chasing tools for repousse work.
Draw Bench: Building a good draw bench.
Earring Posts: How to make earring posts for earrings.
Gold Fusion: Inlaying gold and silver into copper for patterned sheet for construction and enameling.
Preventing Fire Scale: Ways to avoid fire-scale when heating sterling silver.
Fold Forming: Original 1985/96 classic that introduced fold-forming.
Patinas for Small Studios: Describes patinations to create blues, greens, browns, blacks, grays and reddish tones on metals.
Shareware (1996): Wide-ranging, eclectic, suppliers, sources, technical info, patinas, stonesetting, tools, reviews, gemology and metalsmithing.
Small Tools For Jewelers: Nine fantastic bench tools to make life easier and working faster.
Introduction to Tube Setting for Gems; Introduces tools and methods for tube setting for jewelers. $44.00
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This book analyzes hinges and hinge-like mechanisms in a manner never done before in a single volume. It has become a classic, and is our best seller. Along with history, generics, classes of hinges, guiding principles, sections include: design, tube making, hinge pins (force-fit, riveted, upset, tapered, cotter type, tubing, square, threaded, stud), hinge types (basic, thick-walled, locket, bracelet, box, block, cold-rolled, tab, cast and milled), lubrication, catch systems, hidden, alternative, cast hinges and solving design problems. Good index and table of contents. 112 pages, over 200 line drawings.. Print is $34.95. Ebook is $25.00. ISBN 0-9698510-3-0
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This is a loose, eclectic collection of short cuts, bench tricks and alternative equipment options for goldsmiths. Cheap tool making, conversions and unexpected sources for tools are all described. Sections include shop machines, tools, setting tools, soldering and more. Lots of drawings, lists and reviews of sources round out the book. A good table of contents and index make finding information easy. 80 pages. 82 line drawings. $34.95
ISBN 0-9698510-6
Note that the Bench Tricks Powerpoint CD comes with a PDF of this book included. Print is $34.95. Ebook is $25.00
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This 2006 Powerpoint slide show with commentary has over 200 pictures of really great bench tricks, cheap tool sources, surprising ways of using tools and more. This lecture has been presented in New York and Tucson for MJSA and AGTA. It is guaranteed to show you new ways of saving money, making tools and equipment work for you and make you think. Save hundreds of dollars if you apply the ideas in this show. It is available on a CDROM. It comes as a Powerpoint show. Free powerpoint readers are available for Mac and PC platforms. Included is a printable PDF file of the book Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop. This CDROM with both the Bench Tricks Show and Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop Ebook is $34.95.
Show Exerpt /To Books List / Top of Page / Buy the Bench Tricks for Goldsmithing CD with Cheap Thrills included
This Paper proposes a system for polishing jewelry successfully. It is about a core Polishing Set of tools, the basic buffs and more for a working jeweler. The stages of polishing are broken into four major steps: large cutting, small cutting, large bright coloring and small bright coloring. Full of tips and tricks the Polishing Report tells you how to polish, remove fire scale, create sharp inside right angles and avoid overpolishing. Sections include holding items, cleaning polishing compound, alternative polishing wheels and more. 31 pages. Print is $22.00, Ebook is $14.00
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This text gives excellent lessons on how to set up a home or studio photo booth to take professional-quality photographs and slides of your jewelry or small objects such as ceramics, glass and so on. Taking your own quality images saves money and time. The system (not counting the cost of camera and tripod) costs less than $60.00 to set up. How to build a drop shadow photo booth, lighting, miniature spotlighting, composition, backgrounds, surface understanding and image creation are covered. PR techniques are discussed. The ideas shared can save you hundreds of dollars in professional photographic fees. 90 pages, lots of clear diagrams and drawings. $34.95
The Ebook is $22.00 ISNB 0-9698510-2-2
There is a Powerpoint lecture available on request.
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Essential for jewelers, professionals, schools, small studios, factories, students. This book reviews issues of studio safety and discusses strategies for recognizing risks in the jewelry workshop, and for reducing hazards by using substitution of materials or processes. The premise is that any reduction in risk improves safety conditions for the goldsmith and artist. It is written in a easily readable, warm style with plenty of examples and safety anecdotes backed by extensive citations and references. A workshop tour gives you a new approach to learning about safety issues and procedures, with safety and health concerns listed by the jewelry procedures and tools used, and a good index, all design ed to help you find the information you want rapidly and easily. Chosen as a required course text by New York's Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), The New Approach School (Virginia) and the Paris Texas Jewelry Training Program. All three also chose the Brepohl book as mandatory for their students. 222 pages, Print is $34.95. Ebook is $22.00. ISBN 0-9698510-4-9
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This CD a compilation of all the fold-forms known as of 2014. Over five thousand images organized by type and section. Each thumbnail enlarges as you mouse over it providing a 'magnification' function before clicking on a larger image. Has 46 step by step sequences for making fold-forms (compared with the foldforming book which has 26). Includes examples of Line folds, T-folds, Cross Folds, Rolled folds, Woven folds, Hydraulic press folds, Scored and bent folds, Shear and forged, Folds derived from Paper models, Pleated folds, Variations and Combination folds. The fold-forming paper from 1990 is included for printout as is a Powerpoint Show that introduces fold-forming and has a number of step by steps in a 'slide show' format. This CDROM is in DRAFT mode-almost done but the gallery section still to build. Invest in the project before final version publication for a price break, $42.00 including shipping. After publication it will be $59.95. If you already own this CD and want a recent update please contact us and ask for one.
Fold-Forming Article links / Making a Chased Wedge T-Fold extract / Making a Heistad Cup extract / Basic T-Fold extract / To Books List / Top of Page / Email to order this CDROM
This is the original classic paper that started the fold-forming scene in 1985. Fold-forming or foldforming is a system of sheet metal forming which emphasizes forming using the metals characteristics. Forms are derived from the natural plasticity, ductility and elasticity of the metal. The system is internationally recognized as a new approach to working metal. It is extremely efficient and rapid. Tools are simple: fingers, hands, anvil hammers, mallets, and rolling mills. The paper has a theoretical introduction and step-by-step recipes for quickly working sheet metal. 49 pages, over 70 B/W line drawings. Print is $19.95 and Ebook is $9.00. More about fold-forming.
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"Foldforming Step by Step" is an introductory powerpoint lecture. It is a collection of step-by-step foldforming techniques organized by kind. It has a brief overview of principles and examines the tools needed. It shows how to make basic and tight line folds, pinched line folds, a forged line fold bracelet, Rueger folds, a ruffled leaf, a star base form, a basic T-fold, a chased T-fold (chasing on air), a rolled Heistad Cup,rolled Good fold, scoring and bending with a separating disc, hydraulic press folds and more. This tour of the main areas of fold-forming is an exciting glimpse of the world of fold-forming.
This PPS is included in the Fold-forming CDROM, a massive collection of thousands of Fold-form images and over 47 procedure sequences.. More about fold-forming.
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This very early half-hour video serves to introduce fold forming as a system. Made in 1985 (and very basic), it covers the fundamental folds of the system, some 8 or so folds. This video was part of the introduction of fold-forming at the Toronto SNAG conference in 1985. Let's put it this way, Charles had a lot more hair when it was made. DVD. $24.00 More abouut fold-forming
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This wide-ranging, truly eclectic paper is chock full of suppliers, sources, technical information, patinas, stonesetting tips, bench tools and thoughts about metalsmithing. 189 pages. Compiles 1984-96. Lots of diagrams. Perfect bound. This book was used as a handout for Brain Press workshops, and became the foundation for the Ganoksin Project when it began. Print is $32.00, Ebook is $16.00.
ISBN 0-9698510-1-4
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Describes safer, easier patination methods for metals involving easily obtainable household and even kitchen chemicals to produce blues, greens, browns, blacks, grays and reddish tones on metals. Cupric nitrate patination, which gives a wide ranges of controllable green, blue, black and brown color options on a number of metals, is extensively discussed. Paint types which emulate patinas are mentioned. Sealing options are described. Application methods and options for pattern development and surface control are described. 34 pages. Revised in 2007. Print is $19.95, Ebook is $15.50. This is the classic, but revised, original.
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This book teaches how to easily hot burnish gold foil permanently onto silver objects, and raw sheet for soldering and building patterned jewelry with. It is a very rapid, easy method of adding the buttery richness of 24k gold to your silver and gold objects. This incredibly simple designing technique was re-introduced to the West from Korea in the 1980’s. It lets you make pictures and patterns using pure 24k gold foil placed onto other metals as well, including steel, platinum, palladium, 14K, 18K and other gold alloys, aluminum and even copper. Step-by-step photos show how to make your own gold foil, hot burnish onto silver, platinum. Also discussed are how to calibrate a hot plate and use liver of sulfur. The white electrum alloy for keum-boo is described. Print is $24.95. Ebook is $16.00
Back Cover / To Books List / Top of Page / Buy this book or PDF Ebook / Gold Applications Overview
This paper explains how to make a chain tool, a class of pattern making chasing tool which lets you make organized, regular rows of round dents for borders, frames, bands and decorative repeated marks. Different shapes are possible, and the registration bumps on the tool let you automatically extend a decorative line or row, otherwise very hard to do with chasing tools. More complex patterns can be placed between the registration bumps allowing complicated rows of marks. The same idea can make rope-like lines of marks. Tool steels, sources and hardening and tempering are addressed. Chain tool information is not addressed elsewhere. This is a step-by-step photo book. Print is $18.00
Ebook is $12.00
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This is a reproduction of Diderot's famous French Encyclopaedia from 1751. There are three pages, a title page, a descriptive key page to the images and a page that has an engraving of a chasing and damascening workshop along with a plate showing chasing tools and chisels as well as some typical workshop tools. After the reproduction comes a new section: the translation of the workplace descriptions and the tool key into English, with the proper English chasing terms used for the tools. A variety of tools are named. 12 pages. Print: $15.50 Ebook: $9.00
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This paper documents the results of a research project for the Society of North American Goldsmiths. It describes fusion applications (gold painting), doublée, Keum-boo, depletion gilding (tumbaga, guanin), inlay and overlay procedures and it discusses fire gilding. Control factors for free compositional choice are defined and demonstrated. That is, the information is treated a s a way of creating patterns and pictures with gold and other materials. 27 pages. B/W diagrams, color cover. Revised in 2008. Print book is $19.95. Ebook is $11.00.
Excerpts from Monograph / To Books List / Top of Page / Buy this Book or PDF Ebook/ Gold Applications Overview
This paper describes methods of creating surface designs using gold alloys on copper to provide patterned surfaces for use under transparent enamels. Includes gold fusion surface applications, fusion overlay, incised overlay and inlay techniques as well as the use of resists for gold application, doublÈe (fusion laminates) and keum-boo. Together these form a system for surface design that offers a broad palette of marks and control sufficient to allow great surface detail and accurate translation from drawing to finished work as well as painterly approaches. A version of this paper was published in the magazine Glass on Metal in the spring of 1998. 18 pages, B/W diagrams. Book is $18.00. Ebook is $9.00.
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This paper details how to inlay gold and other metals into copper to create patterned sheet to construct with and enamel over with transparent enamels. While this is described in the previous papers it goes into greater depth and follows an example all the way through making it. The step-by-step example shown uses a spiral iron binding wire to indent a thick copper slab. Gold is fused into the indentation and the excess removed. When rolled out this produces beautiful gold inlay to enamel over. The paper also details how to do paper die printing, a lovely addition to any metal surface. This technique was publicised by Lewton-Brain in chapters in the magazine Glass on Metal, and in Karen Cohen's book on enameling "The Art of Fine Enameling". This paper addresses one section of the 'Gold Applications under Enamels' paper in detail and depth. 14 pages, BW diagrams, color pictures. Ebook is $9.00.
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A historical and technical introduction to gold surface enrichment. This academic paper describes the approaches that goldsmiths have used historically in various cultures to remove base metals from gold alloys for refining or "coloring the gold": depletion gilding. There is an extensive listing of recipes from numerous historical and contemporary sources to foster contrast and comparison and deepen readers understanding of the subject. It is intended for information only and is not a "how to" for depletion gilding. Many of the procedures described are hazardous and not to be done without a chemical fume hood and similar stringent precautions. 20 pages. Print is $15.50. Ebook is $7.00
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This paper has complete directions and plans that explain how to build a good draw bench for about thirty dollars from easily available materials and tools. There are step by step instructions. Tricks are revealed. Alternative methods and approaches to drawing are described. This draw bench is excellent for making wire and tube. It is easy to build and use. Has directions for tube making and related tools. 27 pages. Book is $19.95. Ebook is $9.00.
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This 2008 book and catalog documents a significant Lewton-Brain project, "River Trip", an exhibition first shown at INFLUX gallery in Calgary. It represents key works from more than a years work in the Cage Series, works made with the trademark copper and gold electroforming that marks Lewton-Brains work since 2000. Has a project description, statements on the Cage series and multiple images of works from different angles, with some on the body. 80 pages in color. Print is $39.92. Ebook is $12.00.
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The Bibliography Lists -- Lewton-Brain
This is for a bibliography of Charles Lewton-Brain's personal library, that is the books in his library as well as three other bibliographies. This compilation of book titles represents a lifetime's work of gathering books into a great jewelry/metals bibliography. We've included the bibliography he used for his 1985 paper of Gold applications, the 1990 Depletion Gilding paper bibliography and the 1999 bibliography for safety information for the jewelry trade used for the book The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report. It is an 18 page compilation of several book lists. 8 1/2"x11", 2004. The first section lists title, author. The other lists are author, title, publisher etc. $7.00 as Ebook.
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Translated by Lewton-Brain, edited by McCreight. This book is Fantastic!! At last in English! It is the best book in the world on goldsmithing. European countries use it as a standard reference. It has everything, from metallurgy of precious metals to how to build catches and linkage units. This book has all the science (phase diagrams, formulas, chemistry of flux, etc) and all the hand skills too. The largest and best collection of catches and findings diagrams anywhere, clear and easy to understand. The ultimate resource book. It has literall y everything in more detail than any other book. It is oriented to the professional, to industry, trade, goldsmithing rather than aca demic or art/craft. If you are interested in goldsmithing, silversmithing and jewelry making this is a 'Must Have' book. The working professionals version of Oppi Untrachts book. 536 pages, 277 B/W photos, 319 drawings, 114 charts, 8"x10" hardcover, weighs 1.7 kilos. $70.00 ISBN 0-9615984-9-2 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
Review / Excerpts from Book / To Books List / Top of Page / Email to order this book from meWe also have a number of short papers in Ebook download format only. Examples are:
Gold Fusion Inlay for Enameling: $12.00Unexpected Sources for Chasing Tools and Punches: $6.00
Small Bench Tools for Jewelers: $5.00
Introduction to Tube Setting for Gems: $5.00
Preventing and Avoiding Fire-Scale when Jewelry Making: $4.00
Making Earring Posts for Jewelry by Hand: $5.00
The Bibliography Lists: A Goldsmiths and Jewelers research tool: $7.00
A Model Proposal for a Goldsmithing Program at a College or Technical School: $100.00
Go to our Lulu book list page
These are books that have the "Brain Press Stamp of Approval," that is, they express our interest and commitment to superb, focused, excellent information relating to the metals and jewelry fields. If it is mentioned here, it is because we think it very special in some way. Some of these books we sell, some we recommend.
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Virtually every culture with a history of metalsmithing has demonstrated accomplished work in the complementary techniques of chasing and repousse. From delicate Hellenic earrings to works as massive as the Statue of Liberty, the use of hammers and punches to form and ornament metal remains as vibrant today as it has in its 5,000 year history. This lavishly illustrated book provides first-time artists with enough information to get started, but also offers advanced workers insights into design and process. Almost 500 photos and drawings guarantee not only clear instruction but bounteous inspiration.An excellent choice and the first great book on chasing in 80 years!
8 by 10 3/4 inches, 184 pages, hard cover, full color, isbn 978-1-929565-32-0 $35.00 / Order direct from Brynmorgen Press / Chasing and Repousse Links page at Brain Press
If you are training as a goldsmith this is an "must have" book. It is simply the best training book in English at this time. If you were to do every project five times, then time yourself, note what you learned and practice improvement each time, at the end of it all you would have a reasonable training as a trade goldsmith. A collection of 30 projects ranges from a basic bangle bracelet to a multisetting ring. Not to mention the book's superb value as a reference resource. Charles and Tim McCreight were the readers and technical editors for the book. 11 1/8" x 8 1/4", hundreds of detailed color photos. Hardcover. 226 pages. $70.00 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
This book documents the repair, alteration and restoration of rings in gold, silver and platinum. Intended for repair jewelers, store owners, managers, sales associates and students. The text and superb photography present every project step in a clear, precise manner. Includes procedures, tools, safety, theory, measuring fingers, sizing non-round rings, locating seams, soldering with gems, sizing school rings, stretching, adding sizes, re-shanking, adding mechanisms, two-tone sizing and dozens of tips and trade secrets. Shows 15 ring repairs, with job envelopes and anecdotes. An appendix charts lengths of blanks for finger sizes and gauges internationally. Mark Mann of Jewelers of America says Exceptional in scope, accuracy and readability. 128 pages, softcover, over 140 color photographs, 90 drawings. $44.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This book is completely unique. 25 of North America's top art jewelers and goldsmiths (Charles is in here too) have a short section about who they are, a number of great photos of their pieces and then describe, step by step, with drawings and pictures, how they make one of their pieces. An introductory section lays out the most important hand equipment: hammers, pliers, and flex-shaft tools, and tools for holding, measuring, cutting, forming, heating and drawing. Essential techniques like engraving, forging, soldering and enameling are briefly described. An absolutely wonderful book with lots and lots of truly luscious color photographs. Hard bound. 144 pages. Great for collectors. $28.00
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This book is Bench Tricks Heaven. Even a veteran jeweler is sure to learn at least a dozen new tricks and ideas from the book. Acclaimed as a designer, author, educator, and innovator, Alan Revere shares his most valuable bench tips and tricks in 101 Bench Tips for Jewelers. Based on his monthly column in AJM magazine, this book will help any jeweler speed production, improve quality, and raise profits at the bench. It covers all aspects of bench work, from soldering to stone setting, piercing to final polish. Revere shows how household items, such as dental floss and paper clips, can become valuable bench aids. Charles says "'Idea Central' is one way of describing this book. It breaks new ground in its clear, painterly renderings of the tricks, the bright intelligence that shines from every page. Alan's writing is warm and friendly, and he sees possibilitiesand solutions everywhere." Here are some PDF extracts from the book. $42.95
Using a steel 'nest' PDF page / Holding a Gem while Setting PDF / Using zip-loc baggies PDF / Straightening wire PDF / Order from MJSA / To Books List / Top of Page
This book is the first in 30 years to deal with the fliexible shaft, the tools you can use for it and more. It is the only book with step-by-step s of how to maintain your flexible shaft. Karen did a great job on this book (Charles Lewton-Brain was co-edit or with Rich Youmans of MJSA) It is Volume One in the "Orchid in Print: Maximum Bench Work" Series. Published in collaborati on with The Ganoksin Project - buy this book and you support the Ganoksin project financially! "Making the Most of Your Flex-shaft is the one resource you'll need to ensure you gain maximum advantage from your flex-shaft system. Learn how to select the right system, how to choose and use the latest accessories and attachments, and how to properly maintain your system for extended life."
More than 100 full-color photographs
Numerous tables and charts to easily compare systems and accessories.
Innovative tricks from AJM Magazine, Lewton-Brain and Ganoksin's Orchid discussion group. $34.95
Table of Contents / An introduction to the Flex shaft system / Choosing the Proper Burr PDF / Order from MJSA / To Books List / Top of Page
This excellent casting resource has chapter contributions from the best minds in the industry today (includes a safety chapter from Charles). From creating trouble-free master models to building uniform trees to proper techniques for investing, burnout, and breakout, this book will show you how to achieve smooth, porosity-free castings. Deals with up to date issues like turbulence and latest discoveries in jewelry casting technology. Also included are guides to stone-in-place casting; casting over 500 grams of platinum on one tree; and casting nickel-free white golds. Shannon Calloway, teacher at JIJT in Paris Texas says: "Thank you for the best casting book on the market today! The AJM Guide to Lost-Wax Casting addresses every aspect of the casting process, with a comparison of methods and materials that points out the best techniques to use for the desired results. This book is now the standard text for our advanced class in casting it's an invaluable tool." Here are some PDF extracts from the book. $33.95
Finding Problems in Jewelry Waxes PDF chapter / Improving Casting with Little Changes PDF / To Books List / Order from MJSA / Top of Page
This is the prime book dealing with how to work with platinum. Renowned platinumsmith Jurgen J. Maerz, director of technical education for Platinum Guild International USA, shows how platinum isnt difficult, just differentand, with the help of these step-by-step, illustrated lessons, it can be easy. The Platinum Bench provides comprehensive instruction on a variety of bench techniques, from resizing rings and replacing heads to making a platinum band with 18k inlay. It also includes guides to selecting platinum alloys, preparing for platinum bench work, and casting platinum in a small shop. Jeweler Michael Bondanza says The Platinum Bench is comprehensive, well organized, and a great teaching toolits a reference for everyone from a novice to someone who needs to refresh their memory. Alan Revere adds This is a great book we are incorporating it into our platinum classes as a required text. Here are some PDF extracts from the book. The book is $22.95
Table of Contents PDF / Six Prong Setting chapter PDF / Bezel Setting chapter PDF / To Books List / Order from MJSA / Top of Page
This book is the best available on how to deal with gems as a jeweler, what you need to watch out for, what you can and can't do. Arthur and Julie have done an excellent job of this book. Every workshop, and jewelry shop needs a copy of this as a reference. It would do no harm for gemologists to have it either! "Based on the popular AJM column of the same name, Working with Gemstones offers illustrated insights into how to best work on gem-set jewelry. Featuring more than 100 full-color photos, this book provides the information you need to avoid damaging expensive and sometimes irreplaceable gems."
Common gemstone enhancements and treatments.
How specific gems react to pressure
How to design and modify jewelry to accommodate a gem's characteristics.
"Tools that Rule": What every jeweler needs close at hand.
Charts on how stones react to abrasives, chemicals, and heat.
Advice on proper care and cleaning methods. $34.95
Table of Contents PDF / Working with Diamonds PDF/ Working with Rubies PDF / To Books List / Order from MJSA / Top of Page
A great round up of professional goldsmithing information. Based on the popular AJM magazine column "At the Bench', this book shows how you can save time and boost profits when repairing or fabricating gold and silver jewelry. Featuring more than 200 pictures, At the Bench offers step-by-step, illustrated instruction on resizing rings, repairing chain, setting stones, retipping prongs, and building component parts, among other essential skills. It also offers guides to proper bench setup, prioritizing workflow, keeping small tools organized, safe and successful torch work, and maximum metal recovery. Chris Corti, Director, Gold Technology, World Gold Council says "An essential resource ... written by expert goldsmiths who know their craft and who have an ability to communicate their knowledge and skills in an easy-to-understand way." A real addition to the Thinking Goldsmith's library. Here are some PDF extracts from the book. $28.50
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The first in a series of handbooks on how to maximize profits and minimize risks for jewellers, manufacturers and stores, The AJM Handbook on Best Business Practices offers expert advice on a range of vital topics:
Keeping your business profitable in good times and bad.
Establishing solid credit practices.
Investing in Technology.
Exploring the benefits of leasing.
Gearing up for production increases.
Instituting metal control policies
Implementing a 5S visual control system.
Creating a business plan to ensure creative designs earn a profit. $18.95
Sample Chapter:Through Thick and Thin PDF / Sample Chapter Better Metal Management PDF / Order from MJSA / To Books List / Top of Page
Part of MJSA's "Safe and Secure" outreach program, this manual helps jewelers to ensure safe working conditions. Learn how to properly store and work with chemicals, dispose of hazardous waste, establish safe working conditions, and comply with federal state, and local codes. Has significant exerpts from Lewton-Brain's The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report. Funded in part by a grant from the JCK Jewelry Industry Fund. $45.00 Order from MJSA
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This book has more information in it on chasing and repousse than any other volume around. A long overdue treat, the book has been translated from German, painstakingly and carefully. Adolf Steines is clearly a master metal worker, and very knowledgeable. Written for sculptors, jewelers, blacksmiths and metal workers the book thoroughly addresses materials, workplace and studio, tools, pitches and working surfaces (inclu ding carpeting), transferring drawings, sinking, drawing, stamping, chasing, repoussee, carving, repoussage, solderin g, etching and the coloring and the protection of metal surfaces. Numerous examples of Steines work illustrate points being made, includ ing large scale doors, fountains, monumental chased wall sculptures and portraits. Many working photographs are included from major works and a number of tricks and special techniques are described, such as using air powered hammers to form and chase the metal. While the main bent of the book is large scale work there are several jewelry pieces included. This a book that hobbyists and professionals can learn from, and there are currently no texts in English that cover this information, much less in the depth and detail that is offered here. The book is profusely illustrated, numerous clear, readable drawings and good photographs of objects and procedures. 131 pages, hardbound. $32.95 Order from Blue Moon Press.
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This is to my mind the best book on blacksmithing out there right now, at least in its clear information. Intended as a homage to Francis Whitaker, one of America's most important smiths. It is replete with fantastic, lovely drawings of blacksmiths tools, tricks, techniques and step by step sequences to make everything from tools to decorative flowers. It is an upgrade on the concepts and quality of Weyger's great books on blacksmithing. This is an essential book for all blacksmiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelers who want to understand forging, and making or adapting tools for their workshops. A superb job. Dixon is to be congratulated for a milestone book. Kudos too to publisher Blue Moon Press, who are donating a very large chunk of profits to Whitaker's foundation for Blacksmithing Education, to benefit the field. Hardbound. $42.50. Order from Blue Moon Press. See the Author's magazine site for Blacksmiths / Picture / To Books List / Top of Page
This professionals book is the best text Ive ever seen on how to set up and run a jewelry shop. It covers just about everything, completely filled with the voice of experience. From bench and shop layout to the logistics of a repair department the book is solid and thorough, not to mention a good read. Even covers which aromas do what. Simon is a singular personality and expert in every way a jeweler aspires to be. If you have an interest in the business side of jewelry this book is essential reading and reference. Chock full of worksheets and sample forms to use. Spiral bound. 158 pages. $39.95. Order from
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This is the best book available on the subject. Superb information, clear step-by-step projects, you can actually learn professional diamond setting from it. An essential book for professionals, stonesetters, jewelry stores, goldsmiths, students and hobbyists. This excellent book took this acknowledged master setter five years to write and brings together information from his previous three books on professional gem setting. Really great drawings, very clear and well done. It is set up like a textbook, and could be used to learn diamond setting to a high level. Covers all major setting styles and problems. A great addition to the field. If you were to do every project five times you would receive a good training in this high paying field (it takes at least 30 times to be expert). The book is profusely illustrated, with numerous clear, readable, great drawings of every stage of the project. Spiral bound to lie flat, 235 pages, 7 1/2" x 10". $36.95.
Note: We can also arrange for purchase of his other books, Diamond Setting, Bead Setting Diamonds and Channel Setting Diamonds.Wooding has a number of tutorial DVDS as well. Stonesetting books like this
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Lewis brings his cutting-edge classroom techniques to video in this revolutionary Workshop in a Box. It integrates extreme magnification and wonderful 3-D animations to make the setting techniques crystal clear, unlike anything before seen in the industry. The clarity and detail of the images is great. Hundreds of tricks and techniques are thoroughly covered in over two hours of instruction. Tim McCreight says Bezel and Flush Setting will instantly confirm itself as one of the best educational investments a jeweler can make. Charles concurs. Worth every penny. VHS, PAL and DVD formats are available. $179.00
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This fantastic video (and DVD) is, hard to believe, a huge order better than Lewis' superb bezel and flush setting video. The animations and close-up detail are out of this world. If you are wanting to set pointed stones in prongs, and to understand what really goes on in stonesetting then get this set. This is a must have for any serious student of setting. Even professional setters will learn a ton from Lewis' inventive mind. It is filled with tricks, insights and new techniques for setting. Unsurpassed for quality of video instruction. VHS, PAL and DVD formats are available. $179.00
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This book was a labor of love for Tim, a treat to himself in terms of a book he wanted to do. Small, hardbound with a sewn binding, it has a ton of intriguing information, lovely quotes, cross references and conceptual links about design, thinking and creativity. It functions as a glossary for artists to communicate better. Rather small font size. Hard cover, 191 pages, hardcover, 3 3/4" x 7 1/8". $8.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This unique volume brings ancient Japanese techniques and recipes to the West for the first time. Owners love the book, and enjoy the drawings as well as rare patination information, from a Japanese viewpoint. Detailed information on chemicals and techniques make this a studio-based reference, complemented by photographs of work from artists in the US and Japan.110 pages, hardcover, 6" x 9" concealed wiro binding, full color throughout , 75 illustrations, ISBN 1-929565-11-9, $22.50 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
Introduction to Japanese Patinas / Special Patinas Book Extract / Setting up a Patina Studio Extract / Testing Japanese Patina Solutions Extract / Core Ja panese Patina Recipes / To Books List / Top of Page
Another winner from Tim: boy, that man is good at what he does. Well written, informal, enthusiastic. A combination of step-by-step information and well over a hundred lovely color photos of contemporary work which illustrate his points. From surface techniques through stonesetting and casting. Supposedly a basic text, it makes points about design and contemporary work as well. 144 pages, hardcover. (260 color plates); 8-1/2" x 11". $29.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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Since its publication in 1997, this book has become a classic. There is nothing else like it. Clear step-by-step instructions will lead you through a total of 38 chain styles, all derived from the elegant loop-in-loop process. With 350 drawings and 45 photographs, "Classical Chains" is clearly the definitive work on this topic. Ms. Stark brings years of teaching and experimentation to this task. In straightforward language she discusses not only the making of chains, but clasps and terminals too. A must have for chainmakers! Hundreds of drawings, hard cover, concealed wire binding. 189 pages. $34.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This book was the first one out which teaches how to work with PMC, Art Clay and PMC plus. PMC acts, looks, works like clay. You make objects with it (including hollow beads), dry it, fire it in the right kiln and it magically shrinks 10-40% and turns into solid silver (gold too!). Total magic. Fire gems right in place. Professional jewelers can add to their repertoire, do production with speed, produce unique, incredibly detailed (because of the shrinkage) models for casting. Wonderful drawings and detailed information. 50 step by step projects. 128 pages, 300 drawings, full color. Concealed wire binding. $29.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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Tim McCreight teamed up with the progressive design team at White Dog Arts to create an instructional video that breaks new ground. The breakthrough here is the use of digital technology to present information modules that can be controlled by the viewer. Instead of the usual start-here-end-there progression, QuickTakes: PMC Basics consists of 30 short clips, or takes, each addressing a specific aspect of PMC. The key to the concept is a console that displays full navigational options at all times. Using either a DVD player with a TV or a computer (Mac or PC), viewers can click through the seven chapters, moving through each short segment with a click.70 minutes, ISBN 1929565127, $$30.00 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This is the best book available on the subject, by an important inventor and author. Superb information, clear step-by-step projects, you can actually learn professional wax carving from it. There is no other similar book. Essential for professionals and students. I cannot overemphasize how excellent this book is. Introduces methods, materials and tools and follows eleven lessons (projects) from basic to very high-level complex multiple stone setting rings. The only book to teach stone settings in wax. Profusely and superbly illustrated, with numerous clear, readable, great drawings (that teach you how jewelers need to be able to draw jewelry for wax work) and good quality close-up photographs of every stage of the project. If you are interested in successfully carving wax at a professional quality level this is it. 161 pages, hardbound, 8 1/2" x 11".$44.95. Note: this book is available at a lower cost from other vendors - we need to sell it at this price to cover our costs. It is still worth it.
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Really great book. Covers just about everything. It has more information in it than any other covering different approaches to professionally drawing and rendering jewelry. Six jewelry rendering specialists contributed too: Judith Evans, Carol Henke, George McLean, Vitaly Grinshpun, Jean Mayeur and Abel Dubois. Numerous step by step projects. If you follow directions and practice a few times you will become a good jewelry illustrator. Every serious jeweler should have it. Mattiello designed a set of templates to make formula drawing of jewelry easier and the book is available as a set with the templates. It is prof usely and well illustrated, many clear, readable drawings and good photographs. 151 pages, hardbound, 8 1/2" x 11". Book alone is:$46.95 . Note: this book is available at a lower cost from other vendors - we need to sell it at this price to cover our costs. It is still worth it. . The book with 5 specially designed drawing templates: $99.50.
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This book is the first and best book available on hydraulic press use for jewelers. If you want to learn how jewelers use the press this is your best starting place. Describes numerous press dies and the R.T. blanking system for making blanking dies. Includes plans to build a home-made press in the back. Susan did a great job on this book. Every serious goldsmith needs this one. Softcover, great pictures, 96 pages. $26.00. Note: this book is available at a lower cost from other vendors - we need to sell it at this price to cover our costs. It is still worth it. A source for this book
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This unique book teaches how to make Mokumé in an intelligent, reasoned, inexpensive manner. The first book that deals with making mokumÈ in ways that work. In five projects, Midgett shares how he incorporates mokumé into jewelry. It has a wonderful Masters Gallery section. The book covers the origins of the technique; the tools and equipment required; all aspects of the process, from metal compatibility to firing and patterning. A troubleshooting guide is also included. Hardcover, 160 pages. Over a hundred good photos, many in color. Order from the Author
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In this video Midgett shows you how to make traditional Japanese mokumÈ gane for jewelry and knife making inlay usage with a minimum investment in equipment. A rolling mill is required but most other tools are standard jeweler's workshop tools. Midgett shows how to construct a small diffusion chamber kiln for less than $25, and provides great instruction with plenty of tips and troubleshooting discussion. He also shows great examples of his results. VHS , (NSTC only) 2 hours and 20 minutes. $49.95 Order from the Author
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If you are interested in beliefs and stories about gemstones, quotable, interesting snippets of information about a given gem, then this book is for you. Bruce researched this to the maximum in numerous historical sources. A compilation of beliefs and quotations from many different cultures. Well written, interesting illustrations. All the magic of gemstone symbolism and the healing properties of gems in one place. Includes all the gems in the bible, Vedic gems, gems in Shakespeare, modern gem data and mythical gemstones. Bruce really did his research for this book. Gemologists should have this book too, there is great information in it. Very thorough and well done. 296 pages, Now in Hardcover only. $55.00 From Amazon
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This book is spiral bound and is chock full of the sorts of information, diagrams, tables, lists, definitions and recipes that one regularly needs to know as a working goldsmith. It is the closest book in English to the German reference books standard on European jewelers book shelves. A highly recommended, good reference book. Every one needs this one at hand. There is nothing else like it in print. Great for students too. 112 pages, lots of diagrams. $17.95 Order From Amazon
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This book is the best one out there right now which deals with safety in the arts. It has extensive sections on working metals, enameling and jewelry. Great tables, lists of what respirators work with which chemicals, how to choose gloves, all the chemicals used in paints and enamels and more. Intelligently written and well laid-out , it is also designed to help art workers and teachers comply with health and safety laws in the United States and Canada. Softcover. 6" x9", 344 pages. $19.95 Order From Amazon
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This is Charles' favorite general casting reference book. It is the most complete general text around on principles, different ways of doing things, tricks, tips, options. If you don't have it in your library you are missing out. Covers just about everything. Lovely drawings and diagrams. Spiralbound, well illustrated, an essential book. 122 pages. $15.50 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This book is luscious! Over 80 great pictures of beautiful work! 50 artists! It is about how contemporary metal artists and jewelers use color in their work. Four major sections: Patinas, Enamels, Paints and Resins, Avante Garde. Each artist in this section has a page for their work and techniques they specialize in. If you are interested in contemporary Metals and Art Jewelry this title belongs in your library. A beautiful book. 128 pages, hardbound, 9 1/2" x 9 1/2".Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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Just like Oppi Untracht's books, this one is an absolute essential for beginners and professionals alike. Superb. "Everyone should have it" (that's a Charles quote).Has over 2500 illustrations. More than 125 techniques are addressed. Spiral bound. There are now three versions of this essential text available. The student edition (small, edited, useful) is $16.00. The professional edition (large, packed with info, much bigger) is $35.00. The professional Plus edition is $45.00 and comes with a software CD for jewelers and pdfs of The Complete Metalsmith book, Design Language and the now out of print (at least until you print it out yourself from the CD) Jewelry Rendering book.
The Complete Metalsmith Student Version: $16.00
The Complete Metalsmith Professional Version: $35.00
The Complete Metalsmith Professional Plus Version with CDROM: $45.00
Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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A great book of articles by 12 technical masters explaining how to do their favorite techniques. Includes sterling granulation, niello, Keum-boo, anticlastic raising, non-conforming dies, cold connections, fold-forming (by Charles), tool making, depletion gilding, patination, instant etching and reticulation. A must-have if you like learning about new and different techniques. Essential for every goldsmiths library. 151 pages, soft cover, 7 color plates, 130 b/w illus.); 8" x 11 ". $17.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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In this book you get to see how Tim thinks. "As a mak er, teacher, and writer, Tim McCreight has a special perspective on the role of objects in our lives. The Syntax of Objects is a departure from his award-winning instructional books. In this quietly reflective work he muses on the power of materials, th e value of creativity, and the unique way lessons contained in the objects that surround us. Special care given to the fabric, leather binding, and rich duotone photographs make this book a physical expression of its contents, a celebration of craft and design." 104 pages, 4.75" by 7.5" , hardcover, leather and fabric binding, 24 duotone photographs ISBN 1-929565-13-5, $21.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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This book is a follow up to Jewelry Fundamentals and has the same really high quality photos and practical information. As pretty as any coffee table book, it is packed with very good technical information. In addition to featuring scores of exciting, beautiful boxes by contemporary designers from around the world, the book describes dozens of hinges, catches and construction techniques in practical and useful detail. Intended for intermediate metalsmiths, this book will not only teach you how to make that special hinge, but get you excited about what to do with it. 144 pages, hardcover, 8" by 10", laminated jacket, 288 really superb, luscious color photos. $29.95 Order direct from Brynmorgen Press.
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A real addition to fold-forming options. A beautifully done book, great images. It has really nice, quality photos and is well laid out. Shows how to use an industrial tube wringertool to produce stepped, ruffled, complex patterned surfaces on metal. Lots of great step-by step photos. Makes really cool bead forms and textured sheet metal as a raw material to make things from. Has a nice gallery section as well. McAleer did a great job on this book. 142 pages, lots of pictures, soft bound. $29.95. Buy from the author
Metal Corrugation exerpt 1 (Example) / Metal Corrugation exerpt 2 (Nomenclature)
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